(Courting) Fae Thieves and Crowns has new episodes!

January is off to a great start! Many of you took the invitation to join me on my adventure with Ream. I am already loving the engagement and comments in the community section and I look forward to reading your thoughts and reactions as I post chapters of Fae Thieves and Crowns. 

So far, it's exactly what I hoped it would be. 

Speaking of Fae Thieves and Crowns…

Chapter 1 of Book 3 is available NOW! If you read Fae Thieves and Crowns on Patreon or Kindle Vella, the story has picked up again! You can begin reading it here:


And remember! If you use the code: 5OFF3MO you'll get $5 off your first three months on any tier! (meaning, you could read Fae Thieve and Crowns for FREE for 3 months!)

It's free to follow on Ream, but for everyone who joins one of the paid tiers by January 31st, I'll send you exclusive bookish mail!